Thursday, January 29, 2015

Let's sell our airport and that darn passenger!
Image from
There has been a feather ruffling debate whether Samoa is selling its airport to China.  As I said to a friend earlier, for Samoa to sell its airport to the Chinese, one is willing to sell the door to her house! Imagine the consequences if we were to do that.   Is this the way forward? For the doors (airports) to be sold to the Chinese? Perhaps not, we must understand our air transport and airport system well before we make any rash decisions. This blog is not to discuss whether we sell or not, we are not (not now).  That thought should have been extinguished before it even developed into an inkling idea.  What with every Pacific government depending on tourism and air transport, we'd be silly to even entertain the idea.  The air transport system has been instrumental in pulling not just islands but economies together for decades and with the population numbers, cultural diversity such as ours, the region may not afford to sell their doors to anyone. Imagine Pacific airports changing their names to 'Tao' "Ching Mao" "Keng King do"! The gateways must remain in the hands of government or entities willing to facilitate the best interest of the people if we are to call our gateway our own.  If it's not due to national pride then it should be about retaining complete sovereignty of a state over its own airspace, airport and legal obligations to its people.

We have already opened our doors to the Chinese so why not sell our gateway too?  But before we do that, let’s sell the road to our houses too (runway).  Many aviation studies depict that  valuable assets for an airport is either human resources or airport facilities.  I believe there is one asset that might surpass the value of all these in Samoa’s case.  Let’s determine the most important factor in a thriving airport.  Our aeronautical revenue is still the biggest earner for our airport with 70% of our revenue collected from landing fees and departure tax.  The trend for most successful airports is 50/50 aeronautical and non aeronautical. This means that without airlines flying to our airport, our airport will forever remain a liability.  The accumulated losses for the airport will still pile up until the second coming.  For a small airport, we need airlines to pay the bills.  We need passengers to use our facilities.  So I say, sell our airport and if you are smart investor you will not invest your money in a sinking boat.  It might be a good looking boat but if it has holes, it will still sink to the bottom of the ocean like Titanic.  If we must sell our airport, let’s sell Samoa as a destination first and do it well.  We’ve been rolling about with destination marketing and tourism as our biggest GDP contributor so instead of jump starting drama about selling off our gateway, let’s sell Samoa first.  This will result to more people wanting to reach our shores and more flights which will have catalytic effect, making our airport some money.  Lets not forget that the airport is a second home to 250+ employees.  You might not know that because you rarely see the firefighters, air traffic controllers, works and maintenance staff, all aviation security, corporate service, cleaners and gardeners.  Are we ready to sell our most valuable asset? First the runway, then the gateway (terminal).  Perhaps not.

The pacific air transport like most Pacific islands, is but a dot in the the aviation industry. Our total traffic numbers barely make a dent with some of the village airports in Asia.  It consists mainly of small to medium sized fleets and its future might lie with more small to medium regional airlines.  These airlines can be utilized to feed the thicker traffic routes from the major markets such as New Zealand, Australia and U.S.   Instead of trying to fly outdated high maintenance cost aircraft, the smaller islands can do with more energy efficient and newer aircraft.  For major players flying bigger aircraft into our airports, maintaining the right standard for a B777 or fully loaded B747-800 puts substantial amount of  pressure on the meager existing facilities.  The maintenance costs to small airports is rather high.  The operational costs alone to a small airport can cripple and bankrupt any medium sized business.  It runs in the millions and there are only a few millions that our airport generates a year which is why it’s been in the red zone for well over 30 years.  Have you considered the cost of one rescue  fire truck? The cost of navigational aids and specialized training of air traffic controllers to manage it? Have you considered the security requirements and costs? How about the electrical and technical side of things? Also don’t forget the cost of electricity that it takes to keep our runway lights running! That’s already 80% of our total revenue per annum flowing towards expenses already.  So when someone claims that we are selling our airport, they’d better be well informed with accompanying costs of not only selling but running an airport for 24 hours, 7 days a week.  In saying that, we must still encourage bigger players to fly to our airports so we get the best deal for our people.

The question remains :  If our traffic numbers is not exponentially growing, do we really need a bigger airport? The simple answer is - yes, definitely we do..
The survival of the fittest remains true to this day.  Faleolo International Airport has been in the headlines for failing to make profit, scrambling to be at a standard acceptable to the darn passenger and for accumulating huge financial losses since its establishment.  Simply put, the airport needs to survive and make money just like any other Business body.  A bigger terminal would mean more spaces for businesses to come to the airport.  This will hopefully result to more tenants and some money for the airport to invest in other developments or spare change for maintenance/ operational costs as it is not a cheap task.  A bigger terminal  means a higher chance for the airport to bank in more non-aeronautical revenues rather than relying solely on landing fees and departure taxes.  These two charges cannot keep on rising to infinity.  So the airport can be a place where people come to shop and spend quality time instead of throwing their rubbish and scratching the advertisements. Some may argue that people do not go to the airports for recreational activities but this is the trend that is becoming more and more popular with other airports.

Do we need a more expensive airport? Perhaps not as we need one that functions like a well oiled machine.  Any refurbishment or new terminal will still mean spending huge sums of money.  This cannot be avoided.  Airports are not regular businesses where if one fails then another can rise up and be more successful in a short period of time.  The airport machine does not work like that.  As an International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) member state, our international obligations are no less easier or lighter than the developed countries.  When we became a party to the Convention,  we are audited against the same obligations and standards. This is what we do not understand most, the underlying costs of safety and security measurements.  The passenger experience has become so dynamic and rather demanding that people are expecting more and more from airports.  Behind the scenes are rescue fire, security, air traffic control, environmental and social costs that add up.  Airports that were previously used as bus stops are now expected to cater to every need of the passenger.  For instance, more if not most passengers expect free wifi/internet at any airport, there are also high expectations regarding amazing shopping experience, top notch facilities, eateries to cater to more people, duty free to offer luxury brands and car park facilities to look after their vehicles.  

Have I missed anything? This is the steak  of the passenger experience so to speak.  Updating Fretbook (Facebook) status at every airport is a must these days, otherwise your 2000+ friends will not know if you've made it on time or if your husband finally bought that Louis Vuitton bag.  You get the idea.   Not only do passengers expect to be provided and cared for by airports, their travel experience should be seamless and effortless.  The passenger travels in a bubble until a suitcase is lost or connecting flight missed, then all hell will break lose.  Losing a luggage is not just that, the passenger sees this as a failure of the airport system even though there are several agencies responsible for getting the luggage from A to B.  In most cases this does not even involve the airport.  First and foremost, the passenger is responsible for check in and uplifting luggage, the airlines ensure the bag is actually on board with the passenger and when the destination is reached, the ground handler should bring the bag to the conveyor belt, customs, quarantine and so forth.  To successfully reunite the passenger with his/her luggage means the end of this transaction.  Sometimes the only role that an airport plays in this exchange is to provide the necessary facilities.

This kerfuffle about two airlines marrying is not a new phenomena.  Monopolies have existed since the beginning of time, which is why governments need to monitor ventures and partnerships to ensure that it is in the best interest of the people rather than filling up already overflowing pockets.  Times are changing and perhaps government might one day consider selling our airport but for now, we must first understand how an airport runs before claiming otherwise.  No businessman in their right mind will invest millions on just infrastructure alone unless they see profit falling from the sky.  Airport is big business if you have 10-20 airlines flying in and out daily, if you have the numbers and bums on plane seats but if you have only two or three airline servicing a consistent traffic route, it doesn’t hold much coins. Most airlines will tell you that.  

Finally, let's be kinder to our airport facilities and if all else fails, there is nothing new under the sun! Sell or not sell, make use of the time while the airport remains ours.

Some useful reading:

All about ICAONotes on aeronautical vs non-aeronautical revenue 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Bite me!

Cracking open a coconut.
Photo: Pacific Love
If you know me well, well enough to laugh at my bad jokes, you would know that there are several things that I love more than life (almost).

 Historically correct ~ family, God, aviation, Areta.  Ok, maybe not that focused, it's too early in the year to be serious.  Apart from those four, I enjoy sleeping (no joke), reading (serious issue), Japanese food, the odd Oyster Bay vino (usually around November on the beach with crazy friends), planning long haul trips involving several flights and above all~ eating, did I mention the Japanese food? 

My papa is a foodie like me.  Food is his life, farming to produce fresh vegetables and beautiful juicy steak can do that to a man.  He enjoys his steak, nothing says 'amazing' like a colossal piece of meat.  Samoans are not known for holding back when it comes to food especially their meat. Sunday + food prolongs your life. Samoan mixed with Chinese blood makes it a bigger celebration.  Immediately health freaks will shut their eyes and blow their ears at this post.  Let's forget about the bad and focus on the yummcho factor here.  If you are on your new year resolutions about losing 30kg to fit a certain dress, running 20 marathons, eating pa-auke (salads) for 12 months then this post is not for you. 

There is a buzzling around the islands that is undeniably loud.  There is a freshness that is absolutely inspiring and a promise that will awaken your taste buds.  Samoa is almost ready to open its culinary doors to the world.  We are on the verge of surprising ourselves with our own locally grown, locally produced food.  A decade ago, from a local perspective, I can honestly say that the food offered at our restaurants was nothing to call home for if you were a tourist.  It was not because the food was bad (maybe a little) but because our hospitality industry was trying too hard to imitate the Western food experience.  Menus were filled with fries, burgers and deep fried garbage drowned in oil and gooey mayonnaise. 

Ten years later, town is bustling with restaurants that are not afraid to experiment with new/local menus.  Restaurants with returning residents who were educated in the arts of wielding a spatula and flipping the fluffy pancakes on a flat surface.  Those who were willing to leave the comfort of their new found overseas exposure and saw the potential of our local market.  This willingness is not limited to returning residents, our locally bred, weaned men and women who have been cooking in their kitchens since they came out of the delivery room are going back to school to earn their credentials, formally.  I believe this mix of overseas experience and traditional local chefs will take the Samoan eating experience beyond tantalizing your taste buds.  They will infect you with their love of food to return time and time again.

A foodie is not afraid to indulge in different cuisine.  I've often said that eating is one of the top pleasures in life.  Eating with your hands is much more personal than using a fork and probably much safer in some cases.  If you have dined with me, you'd often hear me say "man, this is the best cheesecake I've ever tasted", "aren't we blessed that there is so much food here", 'amuia tatou ia i Samoa'.  Whether it be fine dining at Scalinis (lobster salmon ravioli is to die for), enjoying the Korean BBQ at Orator Hotel, inhaling the best poke on island at Amanaki Hotel, fresh fish and chips at Return to Paradise Resort, driving to Seabreeze Resort for spicy beef Thai salad, surviving on a hot cuppa from Home Cafe or having fried fish, pork buns, faausi at the local market with hot breadfruit, the fact is, Samoa is awake!  Gone are the days when you had to second guess if the food is right in this place.  Samoa has brought their home kitchens to the restaurants. 

Let's not forget the amazing coffee that is now being served (deserves a whole other blog).  I for one, appreciate the little pleasures in life and show love through food.  There is something deeply satisfying about cutting into a richly marbled steak or diving into a neat stack of  fa'apapa fai! You can tell, this blog will be an encyclopedia if I keep talking about food.  So go out, be merry, have a koko Samoa at the local market and taste what is out there.  The waist line will be richer for it!  Whatever you do, take someone with you because food is so much better with great company.  Next time, you are sitting there wondering if the eating experience in Samoa is worth it, the fish says "BITE ME".

I leave you now with a few websites that will help whet your appetite!
Polynesian kitchen
Samoan recipes
More recipes
Top 10 food to enjoy in Samoa, by Smarter Travel

Mea'ai Samoa
Polynesian Cook book by Robert Olive
Samoan meal
A Samoan meal by Jamie Fouss

Monday, January 5, 2015

Gimme a sign!

Today is a good looking Thursday.  One that comes with flip-flops, cool Chanel sunglasses, Nitrogena sunscreen and a cooler of vino.  The only thing missing from this picture is a white sandy beach and some acoustic music.  This was the morning mentality until my well designed black top went through the Human Resource Department's newly painted door and came out blue! Oh the drama.  While the poor officer's face went from a morning smile to an expression of horror, in slow motion, I knew something was wrong.  She mouthed and pointed 'paint, paint'.  

I slowly closed the door and said out loudly (in a calm manner) "where's the bloody sign!".  The poor officer immediately wrote not one but two 'wet paint'  signs outside the door.  Action.  I went straight to my office, replaced my top with a scarf and washed out the paint.  "Shux they should have put out a sign! How would I know that the silly door was freshly painted".  Flashbacks of  'Bridal Wars' came to mind when Anne Hathaway painted Kate Hudson's hair blue.  Another flashback of our last Leadership Study Tour came to mind, Samoa Tourism's presentation on some of the areas of tourism that continually needs improvement.  One of them is proper signage.  

 Proper signage should not be limited to just the tourism industry.  We need proper signage in all sectors.  Different industries are slowly understanding the benefits of adequate and distinctive signs.  Signage help  find places, promote businesses and simply get the buy in for many destinations.   Samoa is slowly connecting and understanding the importance of such.  Too little signage and too much signage can be equally confusing.  A balance must be struck between the needs of the individual, businesses, the environment and road safety (Warwickshire County Council, 2014) 

As 2015 comes with great expectations so must we expect much from ourselves.  Set yourself a few goals (no new year resolutions, they end with the empty motivational Oyster Bay), spend time with your loved ones, drink a glass of Fireball whiskey with your friends and hold on tight, 2015 will be roller coaster ride.  Enjoy it, it will fly by without a warning sign.

photo by Lars.Cronin

Etsy, 2014
(all remaining photos from

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Don't let anyone dull your sparkle!

Yesterday as I was gathering leaves and rocks from the garden, my new housemate reminded me that our people do not lack creativity but they lack  platforms from which to propel ideas and turn them into extraordinary works of art.  In his case, his creativity has been padlocked,  limited because no one wants to give him the space to dream and make it happen.  Like me, he lives on another planet that is filled with dancing flowers, floating materials and mixed permanent paint.  The world we escape to in the middle of the day, where we tap into our creative side.  My housemate needed that desperately to be able to express himself not only as an individual but also an artist.

Our Wednesday project involved an over-size glass champagne vase, sea shells, spray paint, flowers, aqua crystals, palm tree leaves and white sand (sago).  We were testing a few center pieces for an upcoming event.  The aim was to create something authentic, hip, local and cost effective.  An original piece that can be placed in the middle of a marble table and ignite some creativity.  A center piece that can connect to the creative side of any onlooker. 

Mr Pink as I will call my housemate, was open to all ideas.  There we were, in the middle of our dining room, spray painting, cutting stems, shaping leaves, collecting thoughts to be put on display.  Mr Pink talks more than me, surprisingly and that added to the busi-ness of the House of Elle.  "The problem with us (meaning them not us) is that  we are scared to let other people create something better than our creation.  Instead of encouraging other like-minded people to create, we tell them not to do it.  It will cost and will not turn out the way we (they) want.  These are the people that want to dull our sparkle!" Mr Reef complained as we were working away.  

"Shux, my sparkle is already gone or misplaced as I haven't touched paint in the last three to four months.  I haven't written or created in too long a time.  I need to get this sparkle back!" I mused.

A few weeks ago, someone asked me to please write about food and wedding planning (how to plan a wedding from the very beginning)! First step to wedding planning..get a groom?. Yes to food because I love to eat, not so sure about wedding planning as of now, she has red hair, purple lipstick, a mismatch outfit and just refuses to comply with any theme.  In other words, the wedding plan is somewhat cheeky and all over the place.  I keep telling myself that I have another year or so to go and as long as we set the date, book the venue, buy the dress then everything else will fall in place (absolutely not).  Planning is time-consuming and accompanies confusion, information overload, salesman syndrome but if done effectively, it will save the couple from paying money towards a one day event that some end up paying for dearly.  There is no perfect way to plan unless you sit down and discuss what kind of wedding you want, whether you want  an extravagant wedding, to impress the crowd or a backyard barbeque with close friends and family.  I prefer the latter but being the favourite daughter (sorry sisters) the bbq stance will not work for mother dearest.  If men were left in charge of the planning, things will happen faster and one just might end up with no tables and more alcohol.  I can see where this wedding planning blog is going.

 Anyway, as we were creating center pieces, the underlying theme was:

Do not let anyone dull your creative sparkle.  If you decide to do something, do not hesitate.  Hesitation will only lead to confusion and safety.  Get out of your comfort zone.  Work with your budget, if there is no budget then work with the concept you have in mind. Do and then re-think and change things around.  There are no rules to creativity.

The end product was a beautiful vase full of things and a whole lot of laughter at how ridiculous we were.
It was good therapy and we have another Wednesday project lined up next week.

Beach wedding centerpieces turquoise stones.  Love the turquoise and white together.  Without the shell it would work for a landlocked reception
Beach Theme Party / Wedding Decoration / Centerpiece

what if all the centerpieces aren't the same, and we just do random 'structures' similar to this that we find at thrift stores, etc. throughout the year?
Photo(s) source:

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Tiny Samoa and its vision

I was selected to be part of the Leadership Samoa Program 2014 intake with the objective to create a network of emerging and future leaders of Samoa.  My journey, along with 15 other promising members of the 2014 class has begun.  I must say, it is challenging, interesting, multi-coloured and resonating.  Our first session was about- what it is to be really be a leader.  Is it a special characteristic that one possesses or can everyone be a leader?  The answers were different, vibrant and mostly positive.  Leaders are fearless in the face of opposition, they are compassionate as well as humble, loyal, loving and so forth.  There are many attributes and processes involved in leading and there are many types of leadership. 

I have been a leader for as long as I can remember.  In Sunday school, primary school, college, university, church, organizations and  in the workplace I have held leadership positions.  Most of the time I was placed there by a vote or a decision, under no fault of my own (I try and not get noticed when a vote is up).  Maybe they liked my ponytails in primary school or my skinny legs in high school, no matter the reason, responsibility is no fun but it forces you to grow!  Leaders have an aura around them that is sometimes unexplainable, I don't have this aura.  To me, leadership is having a few or many believing in your vision and are willing to work with you to achieve it.  Sometimes, the leading vision align with the vision of many so in achieving the main vision, the vision of many follows suit. This is but one part of leadership.

One such visionary leader is our very own Prime Minister.  When it was first announced that our tiny island will host the first United Nations conference to be held in the Pacific Region, bringing 3,000 delegates to Apia on the first week of September.  you can almost hear the panic, heart flutters behind some of the concerns.  How much will it cost? How will we do it? Do we have enough rooms? Can we even do it? This government is mad!  Our Prime Minister raised his hand and said "Yes". He said that Samoa is committed to facilitating a successful outcome of the conference and will do everything to ensure the meeting  is enjoyable.  He hopes those visiting will get to experience the world famous Samoan and Pacific hospitality (Tuilaepa Lupesoliai Sailele Malielegaoi,2014)

Right now behind the scenes, our people on the committees, sub-committees and all other catalytic committees are scrambling around like ants to get things done, sorted, signed off, approved and polished.  We are pressed for time as always as there is much to be done.  There are only a few weeks left and we must not despair.  The key to pulling this off is co-operation, communication and a lot of action towards the same direction.  We may be small and scattered, working in our own little corner but together we are a thriving force.  The ocean after all is made up of tiny drops of water and when it speaks, we listen.
"Many drops make a bucket, many buckets make a pond, many ponds make a lake, and many lakes make an ocean"
 ~Percy Ross

This conference will be showcasing our unity or lack thereof.  Samoa might not have this chance again and so regardless of what we think, we should stand together with one accord to prepare ourselves.  We will be exposed and the world will put us under the magnifying glass, will we not be proud Samoans when we pull it off? When we tell our children, yes we were part of that vision and for one week, the world saw Samoa. Like other leaders before us, we too must stand out and take risks!

"Many drops make a bucket, many buckets make a pond, many ponds make a lake, and many lakes make an ocean"
 ~Percy Ross

Sunday, May 4, 2014


Talofa and Welcome to Samoa with a smile!

I was invited to the Samoa Tourism Sector Plan Draft Consultation Workshop last Thursday and Friday.  The turn out was encouraging and the discussion highly relevant to the future of tourism.

The Tourism Sector Vision:

"By 2019 Samoa will have a growing tourism sector, which engages our visitors and people and is recognized as the leading Pacific destination for sustainable tourism"
 A realistic and attainable vision I say, if everyone works together to achieve it.  The participants included members of the private, public and communal bodies.  We all agreed on the main focal areas of the strategy consisting of the following:
  1. Marketing and Research
  2. Investment and Business Enabling Environment
  3. Product Development
  4. HRD and Training
  5. Infrastructure and Access
 These are all equally important as they go hand in hand if we are to compete at a higher level with other more developed islands in the tourism arena.  While there were many technical terms used, one area that was highlighted by most groups included the need for our educational systems to include tourism and hospitality subjects in school curriculum starting from the primary level.  Due to the high importance of tourism to our GDP, it is crucial that we teach our children the value of tourism.  Tourism contributes to more than 20 % of our GDP and plays a leading role in foreign exchange.  It is a catalytic industry as it creates both direct and indirect employment for our people.  Tourist spending give rise to 'government revenue, encourages entrepreneurial opportunities, helps promote, revive culture and branding' (SDS, 2012-2016).

Moreover, there were points also raised about engaging with communities more in terms of tourism product promotion, enjoyment and partnership with many government agencies to improve the services and products offered to visitors.  Village communities are the keepers of our historical and cultural sites, they set and monitor the costs to be paid by tourists for these sites and therefore should be kept in the loop regarding tourism affairs continuously.

My favourite point of the day was the 'Samoa Smile Campaign'.  Not the Digicel smile campaign but a whole of  Samoa smile campaign including one and all.  One lady suggested that Samoa is still the Pearl of the Pacific and therefore our faces should say the same.  Whether we are working in hotels, restaurants, markets, gardens, schools or communities, whether we can engage with tourists on a professional or basic level, one must smile doing the work that we do.  Samoa has come a long way and will continue to develop with the tides of change.  What remains is the Fa'aSamoa hospitality, whether we understand English or not, smiling is just like music.  It is a universal language understood by all, so just smile and stay true to who we are.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Bromeliad me!

The brain has  been silent in the past few weeks but this week it was jump started by great sites. important one.  Monday was a very exciting day at work.  My team and I had the opportunity to visit a few green houses in Samoa.  It was a day for shiny eyes, a nice change from the pink eye disease! (I I have been resilient thus far) There were soft pinks, peach, dramatic burnt orange, sweet lavender, gutsy black, earthy browns, royal velvet blue and misty white plants to covet.  You can imagine the 'ooohs' 'ahhhhs' and 'wow wows' from my team when we feasted our eyes on the beautiful plants. Interestingly, there were not many native  plants under the green nets.  Perhaps the native plants can grow easily, requiring less assistance from the growers unlike those that are imported.  Imported plants require more attention and care so they can adapt and grow successfully.

One plant that is new to Samoa, taking up residence in all the green houses is the very flamboyant  Bromeliad.  If it was a person, I'd compare it to an unpredictable designer of futuristic things or creator of  impracticable outfits that can never be worn with a normal face.

The Bromeliaceae (the bromeliads) are a family of monocot flowering plants of around 3,170 species originally from the tropical Americas, with a few species found in the American subtropics and in west Africa.  The most well known bromeliad is the pineapple. The family contains a wide range of plants including some very un-pineapple like members such as Spanish Moss (which is neither Spanish nor a moss). In general they are inexpensive (not in Samoa), easy to grow, require very little care, and reward the grower with brilliant, long lasting blooms and ornamental foliage. They come in a wide range of sizes from tiny miniatures to giants (Bromeliad Society International, 2014).   Like Samoans, Bromeliads have learned the art of adaption which means they can grow in a number of different climates. 

Within the last hundred years, bromeliads have become more widely used as ornamental plants. Originally only found in royal botanical gardens or the private greenhouses of wealthy Europeans, their popularity has spread to the masses. Today bromeliads are more available to the enthusiast than ever before. New species are still being discovered and plant breeders are developing ever more stunning hybrids to choose from(Bromeliad Society International, 2014)

 I have a few of these plants in my garden and I have to say both the leaves and flower compete for attention.  A well painted plant that is great for pot plants or shaded gardens around the house.  Similar to my other favourite plant, anthuriums, bromeliads enjoy mild sun shine and a lot of shade, depending on the species. 

Some of the common species of bromeliads include Earth Star, Urn Plant, Scarlet Star,Flaming Sword, Blushing Bromeliad, Pink Quill (Booth, 2006)We had a great time visiting the green houses.  The day ended too soon with a brilliant sunburn and we were still discussing the gardens two days after.  Since Easter is upon us, this visit reminded me that the end result is not necessarily the best reward.  Think of the hard work that goes into creating and tending to all these gardens.   Robert Louis Stevenson said  “Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” While so many of us are out smelling the flowers, we do hope more people are planting some.  If we don't plant, we'll have nothing but grass.   As much as we'd like to find out the purpose for most  things, I'd like to think that plants exist for our enjoyment.  Happy Easter everyone.

Monday, February 24, 2014


I enjoyed the lovely drive to the airport this morning. There were less potholes the size of my house  and now that the rainy season is slowly creeping out, Aleisa road will look better after  maintenance. This is a well traveled road as it connects people from the west to their livelihood (jobs and schools).  Two epiphanies slapped me in the face while I was enjoying my new paved road.  One, the road is nice and smooth isn't it? Which means my poor shock absorbers will suffer less each day.  Two, while enjoying this little luxury and smiling like a dork at passerbys/drivers, it is enjoyed at what price? Luxuries are not free except for the air and sunshine so which side of my pocket will the cost of this road come from? 

Before I start spelling out the negatives and the superlatives, today on Fretbook (Facebook), the following quote was splashed out in capital letters

"By 2025 THERE WILL BE NO POOR COUNTRIES" ~Bill Gates, Philanthropist

The question is: HOW? And how does this Bill Gate quote relate to my new paved road?

The simple answer is, I don't know how this will be achieved as I have yet to read the full article.  I can say that currently there are no poor countries, it is the people within those countries that are poor but the countries themselves are not poor.  Not really.  Governments are not poor.  They have their peoples' wealth at their fingertips; resources, man power and so forth.  They have been entrusted with the people's best interests by the people with the belief that they are the best candidates to bear these responsibilities.

The Samoa Observer has been publishing many requests for help by families who cannot provide for themselves over the last few weeks.  People with families who cannot cater for themselves financially, those seeking help for a few resources, some asking the public to help build their houses so they can have more space to house growing families.  Poverty is a reality in Samoa, is it really? Poverty : the quality or state of being poor or indigent; want or scarcity of means of subsistence; indigence; need; any deficiency of elements or resources that are needed or desired, or that constitute richness; as, poverty of soil; poverty of the blood; poverty of idea.  Agree, we have people who are in stressful financial situations but who isn't in these times? Some of those asking for help look able.  They are able to work and find means to help themselves.  If we look at Samoa, no one is truly poor in terms of land, family and love.  Financially, we might be poor and if we are to compare ourselves to our neighbours, Samoa is better off. Samoa today is a much changed Samoa compared to twenty years ago.  

I remember the old market near the police station and the rubbish in town littering the streets by the non-existent side walks.  I remember the big waterholes inside the market and the seawall that was not there, where one can stare at the fish mixing with rubbish all day.  We are not stationary, we are moving forward.  The infrastructure and knowledge are both advancing.  The roads are better. We have clean running water and electricity (yes these are problematic at times).  We have internet and computers.  We have school systems in place. We have a new hospital to care for our sick. We have graduates that will build or tear down Samoa.  We are hundreds of complaints to hurl at government when all these systems break down or muck up but we are not the same Samoa as we were.

Cases of people dying from malnutrition are rare in Samoa and almost unheard of.  However, Fiji child malnutrition is expected to increase to epidemic proportions. A 2004 report by the Food and Nutrition Committee indicated that over 40% of Fiji's children are malnourished. The situation is rather acute in more disadvantaged areas, particularly in squatter settlements where around 104,000 people currently reside (Nourish Fiji Children Project, 2014). Our poor health and sanitation are the consequences of our negligence or prioritizing other things and overlooking these. What we eat and do determine the kind of lifestyle that we live.  There are lists of contributing factors leading to poor health (physical poverty) and they all start with us.  Our soils are rich and our lands are plentiful.  They are enough to sustain us if we choose to lean on them like our ancestors did before us.

We don't know how sweet we have it until we go to other third world countries.  Yes, the cost of living is rising but are there countries in the world with a constant living cost?  That is the price one must pay for development.  We complain about the roads, the government fixes them but at what price? The government coffers are not always full and it's the people that put those people in power.  If we do not like something- change it, improve it, work on it diligently until it is better.  Not sit around road corners begging for money, writing to Observer to publish cell phone numbers in the hope that some good samaritan will save us from ourselves. 

We have enough negative stories to fill our beds and heads.  I, for one am a great believer in hard work.  When one works, one has control over their finances and other aspects of life.  We are not poor of soil or blood or ideas. We are a people that toil on and believe in a God that gives hope.  We want luxuries and so we must be prepared to pay a certain price to enjoy that luxury.. to an extent. Like roads that need improvement/maintenance continuously, so are the days of our lives.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Looking for a job?

When you are looking for a job,  there is a lot of preparation in order to ready yourself for the interview.  At times, you begin to doubt yourself.  Have I prepared enough? Did I go through the check list? Will the interviewers ask hard or easy questions?Am I wearing the appropriate outfit? Do I have the right look for the job? Will they like me?

Preparation for a job not only tests your character, intelligence but also your physical appearance. Let's face it, interviewers are well aware of interviewing procedures and the first thing they do is look at you when you enter the room, from head to toe.  They will mentally note your looks, then pick your brain. For those students who will be graduating soon (yes you Donna), securing a job does not start at the interview room, it starts well before that.  University is the grooming gateway to job searching. At my first graduation dinner, the Vice Chancellor shook my hand and asked  what useful lessons I learned during my time at uni.  My reply was 'nothing' with a smile.  He replied with a laugh and a 'you are so right'.  We understood the jest although there was a seriousness to the reply.  There exists an overload of information at university which we can memorize until our brains fall to pieces but it is what we do with that information that will make the difference in the workforce.

Good universities teach us about available information and application but great universities teach us to reach beyond what they teach us.  To be creative and stretch the boundaries incorporated within  that information. Great universities acknowledge the room for failure and put systems in place to counteract it.  Most of what we learn at university will not be directly used in the workforce in some industries but the foundations are highly instrumental.  

On the other hand, we have people that did not attended university experiencing the same or similar dimensional success.  Those are the people who take more risks because they were not taught by the book.  They are less fearful about failing, I've noticed this with entrepreneurial friends who skipped university classes for start up businesses.  “I am a firm believer in the reality that no one ever succeeds at everything – at least on the first try — and that the only real failure is one that you learned nothing from,” ~Cindy Padnos.

I had a professor that applied for jobs continuously throughout his contract with the university.  I asked him if he was unhappy with his job and wanted a change.  'Oh no I'm satisfied with my job, I just want to make sure my interviewing skills are updated and also have the satisfaction to turn down jobs when I get an offer!' This was firstly a humorous way of updating interviewing skills and also a more personal satisfaction from turning down job offers if he received them.

The interviewing process can be stressful but when you get that dream job, you will feel accomplished.  For others who find jobs for the sake of finding a job they will have to work up or down to the employers' expectations.  Those who are at their dream jobs will find it hard to leave or find something else while those who are just working for the sake of it will find it hard to stay.  I have been to interviews where the panel asked very absurd questions that had nothing to do with the vacancy advertised.

Questions such as 
  1. 'If you were to marry someone who would you choose? (irrelevant and highly personal)  My comeback? 'When you go home today, please kneel beside your bed and ask God who it will be and then you can tell me, because I don't know)
  2.  If you don't get this job what would you do? (Look for another job?)
  3. What is your 5 year strategy? (to do what? have a baby and look after my parents?)
  4. If you can be anyone in the world, who would it be? (someone with a job?)
There are no particular rules to be excellent at interviews.  The few I remember from my Human Resources paper and Organizational Behaviour mentor is that 
  1. One must exude confidence when you walk into the room regardless of how you nervous you feel
  2. Look the panel/interviewers in the eye and smile (this may be different depending on culture, some cultures regard this as a rude gesture and defying authority)
  3. Take your time to answer questions and don't rush it
  4.  Be prepared and expect varying questions
Other useful ways to prepare include reading and understanding exactly what the vacancy is all about, also read up on some history/background of the organization holding the interview.  Moreover, be flexible for out of the blue questions. Lastly and not the least, it also doesn't hurt to pray a little asking for guidance and confirmation of where your feet should go. Good luck to all those who are searching for a job or sitting in interviews soon!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

When I die

When a loved one dies, there is much sorrow and grief expressed in numerous ways.  Death is natural and yet there is something unfair about it.  Certainly, many will live perpetually if given the chance, immortality has been romanticized by vampire movies so much, some think it can actually happen (sappy Twilight sagas that are so slow, one can power nap, wake up and the two characters will still be staring at each other for a good 20 minutes, zzz). Everyone dies, eventually.  It matters how we spent our time on Earth, how many lives we interconnected with, those who we've helped, influenced or encouraged.  How we live matters.

Samoa woke up to two deaths today.  One of a prominent business man and one of a great leader. I am sure their loved ones are seeking comfort in each other as well as in the memories of those who have passed.  Their lives will be missing a father, an uncle, grand father, son, nephew and so forth.  I sympathize with those who know these two men, along with their colleagues and understudies.  To those who are left behind, this verse might be for you

"The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men, the conviction and the will to carry on"~ Walter Lippman

I have worked with that great leader, he was a man of conviction and to some extent he inspired others as the task of great leaders is not to shine the limelight on themselves but to elicit leadership in others. Samoa may not mourn as the world mourned for the great Mandela however, it does not belittle the achievements of both men nor overshadows their influence on others.  I have a familiar relationship with death as one dear grandfather passed away not too long ago. Time does not heal all wounds, time does not make the grief lighter, time does indeed remind us of how loved we were by that one person.  Time has a way of reminding us how we used to be, how we felt when that one person touched our lives, how one must go on living without them here. It is a bittersweet sentiment; they will be dearly missed and at the same time we have them in our memories.

I had an interesting conversation with my 86 year old, lively grandfather some time ago.  We talked about life in general and the hardships one faces at old age.  We talked about the things he used to do effortlessly only a few years ago that cannot be done so easily now. The conversation then traveled down the road where my other grandfather lies now. Death. I asked him what he thought about the finality of death, no more, full stop part of life.  He acknowledged that it was a natural cycle and he is ready at all times to  go.  He had one very interesting request that I've never heard before.

He didn't care much about where he would be buried (his children will take care of that part). He was not entirely bothered about the people who will attend or those who will be giving eulogies. He did not have any special song requests.  He requested for a simple tea or lunch for the family when he dies and he specially request for a pair of white silk pajamas!! 

" I don't want to be buried in a suit, I'm not getting married
  I don't want to be buried naked, this is not a party (chuckle)
 I want a pair of white silk pajamas, I'm sleeping eternally and will go to be with my God. 
That's what I want when I die"

Trust my sharp grandfather to have such a request!It does make sense on a few levels.  No need for a fancy suit as there are no marriages in heaven (some might rebut this)  and nudity is a no no.  A pair of white silk pajamas will be best if one goes to heaven (eternal sleep). We will all one day be lingering at the mouth of Death valley, I wonder what absurd request we will have. On a more serious note, for those of us left behind.

“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.”John 14:1-4

There is room in heaven for all of us. We just need to accept the gift of salvation.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Live in an ocean not a bubble!

The race is on again, working, making a living, striving for a better year than the last.  It is good to be back at work, amongst peers, under a cement roof with good weather outside.  It's time to put on a potful of coffee, bury our heads in words and do some work.  Why do I have a vision of Moses leading God's people out of Egypt, freeing them from Pharaoh, staff in hand pointing towards the heavens roaring  "Let us go out of this miserable place to the promised land!"

If I was a slave at that time and a life of bondage and servitude was familiar ground, I would not be pondering what I would do with my freedom once the order was given. I'd gather all my meager belongings and run for it! There were no bags or treasured ornaments to bring, if there were, Egypt can take them, run first and think later! Just grab what you have in case Pharaoh changed his mind and start running for the promised land. This is somewhat where we are right now.  The year is just beginning, there are no solid plans, run and think at the same time.

If you follow Samoa Observer and other news forum(s), the world did not stop and enjoy the holidays like the rest of us. No, the world went on being the world, the new year did not bring a sizable bubble big enough to conceal and fix its problems. 2014 did not bring the cream cheese for an instant sugar fix or a magic wand to magically make our street problems disappear.  Politics and shameful tactics still exist, our cost of living is still high (unreachable) on a minimum wage, we still have beggars hassling us on the streets and people killing each other. The world remains the world, we just have to endure and persevere in it.


Don't live in a bubble, live in an ocean.  As people of the sea, we know the fish swims, lives, plays, make friends, works, survives, endures in the ocean all its life and yet still needs to be salted after/before it's cooked.  A perfect example that we may live in the world among evil and beauty but we do not have to be saturated in it.  We do not have to conform to the ways of this world. 
"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God" Romans 12:2
If the world was all good then we will not experience a sense of longing for something better.  There will be no challenge to live rightly because it is it easier to do evil than to do good.  It is safer to turn a blind eye when someone needs help, in some cases deaf ears! We've read about abuse for far too long with no silver lining and children roaming the streets without education, closing our eyes and hoping that maybe 'this year' will be different.  That some Hercules/Samson/David will rise up to say 'STOP' and end the misery. Tough luck, if we, the living do the same thing day in, day out, nothing will change.  This is insanity as defined by Albert Einstein "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" (some are not so sure Einstein said this while his bombs were exploding in the garage)

Samoa does not suffer from warrior deficiency syndromes including the vocals and the opinionated.  We lack the do-ers, people of action, those who keep quiet and toil away.  Those who genuinely mean to do good, period.  Perhaps this year we will have more of those, we will face and drown in great things and not wallow in the muddy waters of yesterday.  First let us begin with ourselves, begin with the i with a dot on top and then the 'you' and 'we'.  Let us encourage, edify and motivate each other while the race is just beginning.  We have a whole year ahead of us, so fight the good fight and do not despair, keep swimming in salted waters!

From nationalgeographic

Monday, January 6, 2014

And then there was a proposal...

Seven days into 2014 already, back at work again with a list as long as the great wall of China (all in my head).  There are work goals, project objectives, personal decrees among the thistles to be obtained this year.  My new year was indeed a new year, I was proposed to in an astounding manner as the man was on both knees with a rock (diamond) worthy of a resounding "YES"! Too much excitement for one week and planning a wedding is not easy depending on the kind of wedding one wants.  The question that comes to mind is- What does a Samoan wedding REALLY look like?

My parents' love story is rather different from mine and have many amusing corners. One recollection from a relative of this included my father kidnapping mother dearest with "we are getting married today" in his levis jeans and hippie hair.  He then continued driving to my grandparents' house to inform them that they were getting married and if they wanted to come, mass was to be held later in the afternoon.  There were no invitations, no wedding bells, no wedding party and certainly no string band! I am sure one thing was present----drama!Today, with all the fluff and drama surrounding Samoan weddings, this would have been ideal for me but I have a feeling that mother dearest will not be amused by the elopement!

Again, what does a Samoan wedding really look like? No, it certainly does not look like Sione's wedding (rotten tomatoes).  With the tides of inevitable change, most of the weddings nowadays are westernized. I haven't been to a wedding where the bridal party is adorned with siapo, fine mats or partake in the old exchange of measina and extravagant gifts. In a well written  historical collection by  Peggy Fairbairn-Dunlop, Sosefina-Josie, Phineas-Ioane tells of her own very traditional wedding to Momoisea with 1000 fine mats given by the village of Saanapu in exchange of marriage goods.  Her sisters wove her ie tu, ie avaga, fala lauie and pupugi siapo while the village received money with a laulautasi (a presentation of gift items ranging from handcrafts and toiletries to clothing goods).  This is unheard of these days, one thousand fine mats!

I am not one of those girls who has recurrent dreams of what her wedding day will look like or the dress that's supposed to cover the whole church floor (a little extreme). I do not envision a wedding party/bridal party with 30 bridesmaids and seven flower girls (too much). I have more dreams of flying a Boeing dream liner or painting my mother's white wall with splashes of nothingness. A marriage will start AFTER the wedding and the wedding day is certainly not the climax of the relationship, it shall be the stepping stone to marriage.  

The personal ambitions that I would want for my own wedding:
  1.  God to be present at the wedding and throughout the marriage
  2. A small intimate wedding (small meaning 80 guests max)
  3.  Have some colour besides white (turquoise nails/blue hair pins/red shoes?)
  4.  Ban ALL cell phones and Fretbook status/updates/blurry photos/locations/followers 
  5. Did i mention NO cell phones?
  6. A proper registry to avoid ending up with 20 dozens of the same Chinese made dishes and matching tea towels.
  7. For mother dearest to be seated and not run around chasing things or people 
In the end it matters whom you marry not the look or cost of the wedding (whether it's Samoan or multicultural).  The union of two souls will impact both spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally and relationally.  I and Him should go into this marriage with both eyes open so there is no misunderstanding or compromise after. 
"The effects are far reaching, long lasting, and either wonderful or difficult. True, there are no perfect men out there. But there are great ones. And it’s better to be single for life than to marry someone who will make your life a burden. Singleness can be great. Marriage to the wrong person is a nightmare.... Don’t be so desperate to get married that your marriage is a grief. If you’re not married, don’t put yourself in that situation. Don’t marry someone whose leadership you can’t follow. Don’t marry someone who is not seeking to love you as Christ loved the church. Marry someone who knows and demonstrates the love of Christ"
The Christian Pundit, 2012)

So, with the whole year to enjoy, one must truly seek out what they truly need in order to be challenged. Sometimes, the greatest outcomes are achieved with the smallest steps.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Welcome to your new life!

"Every beginning is a consequence - every beginning ends something' ~ Paul Valery

New beginning (
As we say goodbye to 2013 and all its joys, tears  and consequences, we usher in the new light of 2014.  The new year.  A brand new page, unstained with iniquity, unwritten, unplanned, unspoiled.  It is another chance for us to improve on the things while we still can, to maintain good friendships that have motivated and inspired us, to hope for wonderful things to come, to surround ourselves with people and thoughts that truly matter.  

2013 was a great teacher, I started projects that I've only dreamed about.  I took risks that seemed a bit far fetched and I have learned much from the roller coaster that is or was 2013.  New year resolutions should be a thing of the past, how many people actually follow their list? By the time February rolls around the corner, people forget what they planned to do amongst the busy-ness and in time they move on to fill their lists with other goals. It's good to have goals and plans, it's also good to not be fixated on one horizon. Flexibility allows us certain freedoms and insights to our culture so that our youthfulness doesn't leave too soon.  "Youth is the natural time for revolt, experiment and for generous idealism that is eager for action" (H.E.Stearns) but it shouldn't stop there.

All our institutional life combines for the common purpose of teaching us what we ought to be, how we ought to behave, how one should watch themselves when interacting with others. Our education spearheads our success and there are certain interconnected paths and consequences in life that institutions do not have solutions for.  One of those is how to envision the future and at the same time deal with the past, the past year, the past week, the past relationship, the past tense. Thankfully, we are made to be breakable in order to learn.  I, myself struggled to understand the past, how unforgiving it can be especially for those who have been through the slavery of the past.  It's one thing to advise someone to 'move on' and quite another for it to be evident in daily routines.

Yes, we read beautiful quotes on how we learn from our mistakes and how the past should be left alone but it doesn't matter if the whole sky of books fall on you, dealing with the past and its consequences is a task, a daily battle for some, a thief waiting to sneak into the chambers of your heart to strike when you are at your most vulnerable.  There is this treasure box called 'memory' that is the enemy sometimes.  The past is extremely dangerous when we allow it to rear its ugly head in the 'now'.  Thankfully it doesn't really matter what other people judge your past to be.  It's the other great reason why we have a God who is not limited by people's opinions.

Paul wrote that he was not perfect or already perfected but one thing he could do was to press on, forgetting those things which are behind (past) and reaching forward to those things which are ahead (future)Philippians 3:13.  He knew that the Philippians were imperfect and were in the business of condemning themselves daily but he also knew that God is greater than the human heart. This is still applicable to us today.  We are imperfect and that's acceptable.  It is within those imperfections that we find lessons, joy over our weaknesses and self-humbling experiences. There is much to be said about the past, however there is more to be written about the future. 

We should be thankful that we are given a new chapter, to dream, make peace, strive for perfection (we do try though never obtained) start living more vigorously and diligently.  To shine in the places where there is no light, to succeed when the world tells us 'no', to soar above our problems and make the past look like a dead mosquito on the wall. We are responsible for OUR own future as this coming 2014 in another year will be the new past, so make the most of it.  Live like you really mean it! Actively choose to forget the past if it does not help your development. You cannot embrace the future unless you release the past.  The past is significant and we may never fully erase it from memory, there might be horrible happenings in the past but there are also great memories there.  Those are the memories we want to hold on to, to retell our own children, the excitement of the journey and the relief at a destination.  Dreams might be illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you but don't just dream, wake up because reality is so much better if you take your dreams and breathe life into them.  You will surprise yourself and even learn a thing or two.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The real meaning of christmas dear reader

Photo from Seattle Church of Christ

It's that time of the year, holidays when people reflect on the past year, eat, drink and be merry in preparations for the new year. It is also the time when people indulge in too much alcohol resulting to fights, disorderly behaviour and accidents.  While it's a cause for great celebrations, it is also a time when we have to be extremely cautious.  I have witnessed two car crashes in the last two weeks that were so severe, the cars had no way of recovery, completely written off.  One was a drunken driver, the other was a show off who was speeding and crashed/ fell in a ditch in broad daylight!  Thankfully, no member of the public or passengers was involved or hurt in the makings of these un-accidents.  The only people that sustained wounds were the careless drivers themselves and their poor cars.

Christmas is a time of giving in remembrance of the greatest gift bestowed upon mankind.  The real reason for Christmas is Jesus Christ.  In the middle of all the fire works, big bang theory, diamonds and ruby giving, we have to remember the reason for Christmas! We should be thankful to God for the greatest gift.  In addition, it is through this gift that we have received salvation through grace.  Where would be if God was indeed a man? If he was human, half of us will be gone by now, zapped, killed off with a wand each time we disobey, step out of line, misbehave and doing all those humanly things that we do.  I remember one reader who approached me to make the point that I have not talked on this blog about my beliefs, my Christianity and why i am not writing devotionals like i should. In my head I unsheathed my fiapoto claws with the retort 

"My blog is mine alone and you can't tell me what to write! The title of this blog is 'Samoa Aviator' not 'Holier than thou' blog'.  It is not 'MY' Christianity, it is the lifestyle that we live as believers.  It's not me me me.  Christian means-CHRIST that lives in me, the I-A-N in the end, is I am nothing.  In a whole phrase, this means without Christ I am nothing. At least this is my understanding of  what it is to be christian.  Being a christian is not to point the finger at others as 'they' or that we are better than them.  I've come across people who think and proclaim themselves as Christians but on the first note of doing something they don't view as christian behaviour, hell, fire and brimstone will fall down on your head. They will also use one verse from the Bible to justify this passing of judgement.  Let us not fall into the seat of judgement, let God be the judge. Proper judgement is used to discern what is good and bad, not WHO is good or bad,  this proper judgement is according to God's measure, not man's. 

As a christian, if we are to judge anything or anyone, we ought to judge ourselves.  We ought to search our hearts and minds if indeed we are living as Christ taught.  To love one another as we love ourselves and to love God with all our being. Are we really trying? Do we live as we are commanded and not based on our perceptions on how we ought to live.  What standards are we living by? We cannot know the mind of God and Christmas is the illustration of his ultimate love for us.  In his limitless power, glory and might, he became one of us and dwelt among us.  Now, we don't have a visible representation of him but as a believer we have faith in him and reading the scriptures to guide, correct, teach and sustain us.

I love what John Piper says about faith:

Believing in Jesus is a soul coming to Jesus to be satisfied in all that he is. That is my definition of faith on the basis of John 6:35.
Faith is “Seeing and savoring Jesus, being satisfied with all that God is for us in Jesus, and trusting Jesus,” and that those three things are “equivalent realities.”
But those realities should also be apparent in our actions, 
When you treasure God in your soul, "you outwardly are set free from the slavery of sins, which people can start to see, and you are set free for the sacrifices of love, which people can see. So the root of your salvation glorifies God privately, and the fruit of your salvation glorifies God publicly."

I don't have to write in this blog of how christian I am.  After all, actions speak louder than words.  I can preach about the love and all the other amazing characteristics of God but if I don't SHOW that through my life, to the people around me, I will be wasting my time giving lip service.  I will be just another hypocrite joining the masses.  As for devotionals, devotion is a personal time you spend with your God.  You don't have to follow writings to be devotional! It can range from five minutes of praying to a whole day of meditating on the word of God.  For me, devotional is a personal, habitual must if we are to be living in Christ.  This is where God reveals himself to each person.

At church, we stand with our fellow believers saying "AMEN" to God but devotional(s) is where you write your personal story with him.  We may not be able to reveal in church our innermost secrets/ longings or shortcomings. You can do this via devotionals, here is where you are free to express these to our Creator.  It may not be words at all, a song, a poem, a line!It really depends on your spirit and it's condition. So my reader, this address is for you. 

I am a christian and I do not have the answers to everything, only God has and that's okay.  It's okay to not know everything, that will exhaust the human brain! It's okay to not be perfect, only God is, that will mean we are Gods, demi-Gods, Goddesses if we were perfect.  Oh how boring and colour deprived the world would be if we were perfect!How un challenging and distasteful, that will mean we don't need God, there is no salvation because we can save ourselves.  Fortunately we can't.  In the true spirit of christmas, do something worthy.  Even if you are not a christian, there is someone somewhere who needs a hand.  Be safe and try to look through Christ's eyes if we can't use our own.

Hey sister, happy new year!

Happy new year! A reminder for you sister as you navigate 2025.  True love and true worth doesn't come from others.  If someone rejected...